Foros ZackYFileS

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oscar_fl 13/05/2009 00:23

Nuevo firmware 0.9.2032 disponible
Y las nuevas caracteristicas:


Support play from long url like: \\pc\\audio\3 doors down - away from the sun\3 doors down - away from the sun - 01 - when i'm gone.mp3

Increase covers size at audio-player and support jpg or bmp covers at folders
Support m3u - winamp playlist
Fixed some bad display (show only half picture) showing correct picture/poster from mp3 file (id3 tag)
playing mp3 file (and i think all media contents) from long url is no possible example \\pc\\audio\3 doors down - away from the sun\3 doors down - away from the sun - 01 - when i'm gone.mp3

Some fixes relating recording at HD channels
Fix but that sometimes make impossible play contents after recording

Increase HD channels buffering for PLATAFORMA HD at 9e

keep previous positions stored at rotor (diseqc1.2)
fixed bug of store positions at diseqc 1.2 mode, if position number is higher than 46 (box not send valid diseqc command to positioner)

Added options panscan and pilarbox at display format

add zoom and rotate effect to slideshow

added - streaming (multicasting) client which can receive and play a/v content from vlc format. you can add ip channel on tv channel at setting (be careful! at moment only mpeg2ts system is supported)

at camd setup - multicas - we change "camd script editor" to "smartcard interface"
added option "waiting time" at openxcas config, use 'wait=digit', where digit is second on the openxcas.conf, this is useful if you are running 2 or more daemons

--------------------------------- SOME CONSIDERATIONS:---------------------------------------------
1) We have planned with this release launch fixes for RGB, 4.2.2. HD contents, HE-AAC audio, however for this we need switch completely SIGMA driver, at moment we need some more time to test this new driver carefully.
We are very hard to make it work correctly on next days.
2) TWIN TUNER DVB-S2, during last days we have seen a lot of bad information on web about twin tuner support. Azbox can PLENITY support two DVB-S2 tuners at same time. However we are rush to make receiver working more stable, recording and timeshift and PVR perfect working before finishing implementing DVB-S2 twin tuner.


NetError 13/05/2009 20:34

Bajando..... He leído por ahí que va bastante bien. A ver si es verdad!

oscar_fl 13/05/2009 20:44

Bueno le faltan cosas que se esperaban, pero si han mejorado y añadido otras.

oscar_fl 15/05/2009 11:58

Por cierto es recomendable despues de colocar un nuevo firm restaurar los valores de fabrica y cuando os pida el password hay que poner 0000, salu2.

algorin 19/05/2009 19:31

Alguien me puede decir como se "riegan" estos decos. Tengo un HD premium, (antes un Mvisión sx-5) llevo leyendo dias y dias por los foros y no me acabo de enterar. Gracias y saludos.

oscar_fl 20/05/2009 23:10

Tienes que poner emus por ejemplo multicas y entonces entras en esa emu y editas lo que quieres.

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