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-   -   ¿Como conseguir leer este ATR con V3? 3F 7F 13 25 02 40 B0 12 69 FF 4A 50 90 41 55 00 (

pacocable 13/11/2006 12:34

¿Como conseguir leer este ATR con V3? 3F 7F 13 25 02 40 B0 12 69 FF 4A 50 90 41 55 00
Tengo un unlooper rojo V3, estoy intenado de conseguir leer este atr 3F 7F 13 25 02 40 B0 12 69 FF 4A 50 90 41 55 00 00 00 00 00 (mejor no pongo a quien me refiero).
En el atmel he grabado el ND13 y utlizo este script un poquito modificado.
¿Necesito grabar otro firmn en el atmel o cambiar el comando 06 10 01 xx xx xx xx ?
Este es el script. Y muchas gracias.

' Global Variable Definitions
Option Explicit

' Constants used throughout script
Const ScriptName=" Identify Unlooper "
Const ScriptVer=" v1.0 "

Dim UnlooperID,i,RetVal
Dim RetValue
Call UnlooperSettings() ' configure WinExplorer for unlooper settings

Sub Main()
' Main Program Loop and Menu
Dim MenuChoice
Dim MsgPrompt
Dim ErrorValue

' [Do not] suppress window output

MsgPrompt=" === "+ScriptName+" "+ScriptVer+" ==="+vbCr+vbCr+ "This Identifies the Atmel Hex on your Unlooper or gets the card ATR. "+vbCr

MenuChoice=Sc.ButtonBox(MsgPrompt,vbDefaultButton1,ScriptName+" "+ScriptVer+" ","Get Atmel Info","Get ATR","Exit")

Select Case MenuChoice
Case 1:
ErrorValue=ResetVer() 'Go to ResetVer

Case 2:
ErrorValue=GetATR() 'Go to GetATR
Case 3:
Sc.Write("A0") ' turn LEDs off
Sc.Write("02") ' power down card
Exit Sub
End Select
End Sub
Function ResetVer()
Sc.Reset() ' Reset the unlooper
RetVal=Sc.Flush() ' Flush the receive buffer
Sc.Write("90") ' We should receive 4 bytes from unlooper
Sc.Write("90") ' We should receive 4 bytes from unlooper
Sc.Write("90") ' We should receive 4 bytes from unlooper
Sc.Write("90") ' We should receive 4 bytes from unlooper

If Sc.Read(4)=4 Then
For i=0 to 3 ' Assemble the unlooper version string
End If
Sc.Print"Atmel Hex is type : "&(UnlooperID)&VBcr
If UnlooperID = "V5.0" then : Sc.Print "This is a WTX/WT2 hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "UL4S" then : Sc.Print "This is a HU card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "SU-2" then : Sc.Print "This is a H card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "U5.1" then : Sc.Print "This is a P4 card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "ECHO" then : Sc.Print "This is a Nagra card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "MrGo" then : Sc.Print "This is a UL4S28 DTV card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "V5B4" then : Sc.Print "This is a V7 Seca card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "NDS2" then : Sc.Print "This is a Sky Italia card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "XYZ " then : Sc.Print "This is a XOR16 hex." end if
End Function

Function GetATR()
dim uno,dos,tres,cuatro,cinco,seis,siete
dim respuesta
'Sc.Write("06 10 0E 10 01 BF 00") ' this command receives the ATR of an Sky card
'Sc.Write("06 10 0E 07 02 93 00") 'nos devuelve 05 00 cercanoa 08 00
' Sc.Read(&h02) ' see if command was accepted
'for uno = 6 to 255
' for dos = 32 to 255
' for tres = 26 to 255
for cuatro = 0 to 255
for cinco = 0 to 255
for seis = 0 to 255
for siete = 0 to 255
'Sc.Write(hexstring(uno,2) & hexstring(dos,2) & hexstring(tres,2) & hexstring(cuatro,2) & hexstring(cinco,2) & hexstring(seis,2) & hexstring(siete,2) )
'Sc.Write("06 10 0E 07 " & hexstring(cinco,2) & hexstring(seis,2) & hexstring(siete,2) )
'Sc.Write("08 10 01 81 26 80 00 91 00")
'Sc.Write("07 01 81 26 00 00 91 00")
'Sc.Write("06 10 02 00 00 01 93 00")
Sc.Write("06 10 01 " & hexstring(cuatro,2) & hexstring(cinco,2) & hexstring(seis,2) & hexstring(siete,2) )
Sc.Read(&h02) ' see if command was accepted
RetValue = Sc.GetByte(&h01)
sc.print("------------" & vbcr)
Sc.Read (RetValue) ' read the bytes of ATR
For i = 0 to RetValue-1
ATR = ATR & HexString(Sc.GetByte(i), 2) & " " ' all bytes of ATR
Sc.Print "ATR = " & ATR & vbcr
Sc.Print "RetValue " & RetValue & vbcr
if left(ATR,20) = "3F 7F 13 25 02 40 B0" then
Sc.Print "ATR = " & ATR
exit function
end if
' next
' next
End Function

Function HexString(Number,Length)
' This function takes 2 arguments, a number and a length. It converts the decimal
' number given by the first argument to a Hexidecimal string with its length
' equal to the number of digits given by the second argument
Dim RetVal
Dim CurLen
If CurLen<Length Then
RetVal=String(Length-CurLen,"0") & RetVal
End If
End Function
' Configures Unlooper
Sub UnlooperSettings()
Wx.CommPort = "com1:"
Wx.BaudRate = 115200
Wx.ResetBaudRate = 115200
Wx.Parity = 0 ' 0 = None, 1 = Odd, 2 = Even, 3 = Mark, 4 = Space
Wx.StopBits = 0 ' 0 = 1 stop bit, 1 = 1.5 stop bits, 2 = 2 stop bits
Wx.DTRControl = 0 ' Initial state of DTR 0 = off, 1 = on
Wx.RTSControl = 1 ' Initial state of RTS 0 = off, 1 = on
Wx.ResetDelay = 0 ' In microseconds
Wx.ByteDelay = 0 ' In microseconds
Wx.RxByteTimeout = 1000 ' In milliseconds
Wx.ResetMode = 2 ' 0 = No Resets, 1 = ISO Reset (Expect a ATR), 2 = Device Reset (No ATR)
Wx.ResetLine = 1 ' 0 = Toggle RTS for Reset, 1 = Toggle DTR for Reset
Wx.ByteConvention = 1 ' 0 = Inverse, 1 = Direct
Wx.FlushEchoByte = 0 ' 0 = no flush, 1 = flush - A Phoenix interface will echo each byte transmitted.
Wx.FlushBeforeWrite = 0 ' 0 = no flush, 1 = flush - Flush the receive buffer before each write to strip off Null bytes.
Wx.IgnoreTimeouts = 0 ' 0 = Abort script on a receive timeout, 1 = Ignore all receive timeouts
Wx.ResetAfterTimeout = 0 ' 0 = Don't reset after a timeout, 1 = do a reset after a timeout - Not used if "IgnoreTimeouts=0"
Wx.LogTransactions = 0 ' 0 = Don't log transactions, 1 = log transactions
Wx.DisplayUSW = 0 ' Display USW after script complete 0 = no, 1 = yes
Wx.DisplayFuse = 0 ' Display Fuse after script complete 0 = no, 1 = yes
End Sub
' Inverts a byte
Function HexInv(Number,Length)
Dim CurLen
Dim NumLow
Dim NumHigh
dim Number1
Select Case NumHigh
Case 0 NumHigh=15
Case 1 NumHigh=7
Case 2 NumHigh=11
Case 4 NumHigh=13
Case 6 NumHigh=9
Case 7 NumHigh=1
Case 8 NumHigh=14
Case 9 NumHigh=6
Case 11 NumHigh=2
Case 13 NumHigh=4
Case 14 NumHigh=8
Case 15 NumHigh=0
End Select
Select Case NumLow
Case 0 NumLow=15
Case 1 NumLow=7
Case 2 NumLow=11
Case 4 NumLow=13
Case 6 NumLow=9
Case 7 NumLow=1
Case 8 NumLow=14
Case 9 NumLow=6
Case 11 NumLow=2
Case 13 NumLow=4
Case 14 NumLow=8
Case 15 NumLow=0
End Select
If CurLen<Length Then
RetValue=String(Length-CurLen,"0") & RetValue
End If
End Function

pacocable 13/11/2006 20:28

algo conseguido, poero sigo necesitando ayuda
con este script he conseguido 2 respuestas buenas:
' New VB Script File - Created 13/11/2006
' Global Variable Definitions
Option Explicit

' Constants used throughout script
Const ScriptName=" Identify Unlooper "
Const ScriptVer=" v1.0 "

Dim UnlooperID,i,RetVal
Dim RetValue
Call UnlooperSettings() ' configure WinExplorer for unlooper settings

Sub Main()
' Main Program Loop and Menu
Dim MenuChoice
Dim MsgPrompt
Dim ErrorValue

' [Do not] suppress window output

MsgPrompt=" === "+ScriptName+" "+ScriptVer+" ==="+vbCr+vbCr+ "This Identifies the Atmel Hex on your Unlooper or gets the card ATR. "+vbCr

MenuChoice=Sc.ButtonBox(MsgPrompt,vbDefaultButton1,ScriptName+" "+ScriptVer+" ","Get Atmel Info","Get ATR","Exit")

Select Case MenuChoice
Case 1:
ErrorValue=ResetVer() 'Go to ResetVer

Case 2:
ErrorValue=GetATR() 'Go to GetATR
Case 3:
Sc.Write("A0") ' turn LEDs off
Sc.Write("02") ' power down card
Exit Sub
End Select
End Sub
Function ResetVer()
Sc.Reset() ' Reset the unlooper
RetVal=Sc.Flush() ' Flush the receive buffer
Sc.Write("90") ' We should receive 4 bytes from unlooper
Sc.Write("90") ' We should receive 4 bytes from unlooper
Sc.Write("90") ' We should receive 4 bytes from unlooper
Sc.Write("90") ' We should receive 4 bytes from unlooper

If Sc.Read(4)=4 Then
For i=0 to 3 ' Assemble the unlooper version string
End If
Sc.Print"Atmel Hex is type : "&(UnlooperID)&VBcr
If UnlooperID = "V5.0" then : Sc.Print "This is a WTX/WT2 hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "UL4S" then : Sc.Print "This is a HU card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "SU-2" then : Sc.Print "This is a H card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "U5.1" then : Sc.Print "This is a P4 card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "ECHO" then : Sc.Print "This is a Nagra card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "MrGo" then : Sc.Print "This is a UL4S28 DTV card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "V5B4" then : Sc.Print "This is a V7 Seca card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "NDS2" then : Sc.Print "This is a Sky Italia card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "XYZ " then : Sc.Print "This is a XOR16 hex." end if
End Function

Function GetATR()
dim uno,dos,tres,cuatro,cinco,seis,siete
dim respuesta


sc.write("b0 30")

'Sc.Write("06 10 0E 07 02 93 00") 'nos devuelve 05 00 cercanoa 08 00
' Sc.Read(&h02) ' see if command was accepted
'for uno = 6 to 255
' for dos = 32 to 255
' for tres = 26 to 255
for cuatro = 3 to 3 '255
for cinco = 80 to 80 '255
for seis = 0 to 0 '255
for siete = 0 to 255 '136
Sc.Write("06 10 01 " & hexstring(cuatro,2) & hexstring(cinco,2) & hexstring(seis,2) & hexstring(siete,2) )
Sc.Delay(300) '300
Sc.Read(&h02) ' see if command was accepted
RetValue = Sc.GetByte(1) '(&h01) 'tiene que ser 127
if retvalue = &h7f then
Sc.Read(RetValue) ' read the bytes of ATR
For i = 0 to RetValue-1
ATR = ATR & HexString(Sc.GetByte(i), 2) & " " ' all bytes of ATR
Sc.Print "ATR = " & LEFT(ATR,53) & vbcr
sc.print("---------------------------------------" & vbcr)
end if
' next
' next
End Function

Function HexString(Number,Length)
' This function takes 2 arguments, a number and a length. It converts the decimal
' number given by the first argument to a Hexidecimal string with its length
' equal to the number of digits given by the second argument
Dim RetVal
Dim CurLen
If CurLen<Length Then
RetVal=String(Length-CurLen,"0") & RetVal
End If
End Function
' Configures Unlooper
Sub UnlooperSettings()
Wx.CommPort = "com1:"
Wx.BaudRate = 115200
Wx.ResetBaudRate = 115200
Wx.Parity = 0 ' 0 = None, 1 = Odd, 2 = Even, 3 = Mark, 4 = Space
Wx.StopBits = 0 ' 0 = 1 stop bit, 1 = 1.5 stop bits, 2 = 2 stop bits
Wx.DTRControl = 0 ' Initial state of DTR 0 = off, 1 = on
Wx.RTSControl = 1 ' Initial state of RTS 0 = off, 1 = on
Wx.ResetDelay = 0 ' In microseconds
Wx.ByteDelay = 0 ' In microseconds
Wx.RxByteTimeout = 1000 ' In milliseconds
Wx.ResetMode = 2 ' 0 = No Resets, 1 = ISO Reset (Expect a ATR), 2 = Device Reset (No ATR)
Wx.ResetLine = 1 ' 0 = Toggle RTS for Reset, 1 = Toggle DTR for Reset
Wx.ByteConvention = 1 ' 0 = Inverse, 1 = Direct
Wx.FlushEchoByte = 0 ' 0 = no flush, 1 = flush - A Phoenix interface will echo each byte transmitted.
Wx.FlushBeforeWrite = 0 ' 0 = no flush, 1 = flush - Flush the receive buffer before each write to strip off Null bytes.
Wx.IgnoreTimeouts = 0 ' 0 = Abort script on a receive timeout, 1 = Ignore all receive timeouts
Wx.ResetAfterTimeout = 0 ' 0 = Don't reset after a timeout, 1 = do a reset after a timeout - Not used if "IgnoreTimeouts=0"
Wx.LogTransactions = 0 ' 0 = Don't log transactions, 1 = log transactions
Wx.DisplayUSW = 0 ' Display USW after script complete 0 = no, 1 = yes
Wx.DisplayFuse = 0 ' Display Fuse after script complete 0 = no, 1 = yes
End Sub
' Inverts a byte
Function HexInv(Number,Length)
Dim CurLen
Dim NumLow
Dim NumHigh
dim Number1
Select Case NumHigh
Case 0 NumHigh=15
Case 1 NumHigh=7
Case 2 NumHigh=11
Case 4 NumHigh=13
Case 6 NumHigh=9
Case 7 NumHigh=1
Case 8 NumHigh=14
Case 9 NumHigh=6
Case 11 NumHigh=2
Case 13 NumHigh=4
Case 14 NumHigh=8
Case 15 NumHigh=0
End Select
Select Case NumLow
Case 0 NumLow=15
Case 1 NumLow=7
Case 2 NumLow=11
Case 4 NumLow=13
Case 6 NumLow=9
Case 7 NumLow=1
Case 8 NumLow=14
Case 9 NumLow=6
Case 11 NumLow=2
Case 13 NumLow=4
Case 14 NumLow=8
Case 15 NumLow=0
End Select
If CurLen<Length Then
RetValue=String(Length-CurLen,"0") & RetValue
End If
End Function

que son los siguientes:
X Data : 06 10 01 03 50 00 88
RX Data : 3F 7F
RX Data : 13 25 02 40 B0 12 69 FF 4A 50 90 41 55 00 00 00
00 00 52 65 76 41 43 33 00 01 E2 01 EB 01 54 50
50 00 80 3F FF 00 03 C9 00 01 7C 7C 83 3E 00 00
01 00 76 00 1D 00 07 01 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D
00 04 18 40 02 8D 8D 8D 15 3A 12 8D 8D 8D 22 4F
02 8D 8D 8D 00 00 00 8D 8D 00 8D 8D 33 00 8D 8D
8D 8D 30 00 94 00 01 81 8D 8D 5A 05 03 00 8D 8D
C8 02 00 00 8D DF 8D 21 10 01 03 50 00 02 3F
ATR = 13 25 02 40 B0 12 69 FF 4A 50 90 41 55 00 00 00 00 00
si aplico a un script nuevo el comando visto 06 10 01 03 50 00 88 asi:

sc.write("b0 30")
Sc.Write("06 10 10 01 03 50 88")
Sc.Delay(300) '300
Sc.Read(&h02) ' see if command was accepted


RetValue = Sc.GetByte(1) '(&h01) 'tiene que ser 127
if retvalue = &h7f then
Sc.Read(RetValue) ' read the bytes of ATR
For i = 0 to RetValue-1
ATR = ATR & HexString(Sc.GetByte(i), 2) & " " ' all bytes of ATR
Sc.Print "ATR = " & LEFT(ATR,53) & vbcr
sc.print("---------------------------------------" & vbcr)
end if

Por favor una ayudita de los maestros.muchas gracias

La franja horaria es GMT +2. Ahora son las 10:51.

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