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peloco 14/02/2008 00:08

Poder conectar el mvision a la dream con azul de alta
para poder conectar con la dream el mvsion cuando este tiene azulita no lo habia podido probar y no sabia si iria con newcs, pues lo he probado y va de lujo aqui os pongo la configuracion:

con polculio de conejillo y la ayuda del gran mitega (no me arrancaba el cs2innombrable y era el newcs que estaba desactualizado) al final funciona la dream con el mvision y la azulita:

en la dream gemini con innombrable+newcs
en el mvison radegeast.

la dream lleva esto:
en var/bin - innombrable-cs2innombrable-newcs con atributos 755
en var/keys cwshare.cfg-cs2innombrable.cfg-innombrable_cfgen var/script
en var/tubox/config newcs.xml

la ip de la dream es:
y el host seria en este caso


M: { { AAAAAAAA }}
D: { { 22001 22002 { BBBBBBBB { 5 5 }}}}
I: { 03 }
X: { 05 }
W: { 01 01 01 } 1FFF
S: { 0B 01 03 } 772A
N: { 01 01 03 3F 5000 7000 }


# My dbox2 password
M: { { BBBBBBBB }}
# Internet Friends port range password cod
D: { { 22002 22001 { AAAAAAAA { 5 5 }}}}
# name dns/ip port user pass callback configkey
C: { newcs 34000 dummy dummy 12000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 }
omito lo de arriba del cs2innombrable para no agrandar mucho esto

#gbox config file
# Trace/Debug
# xx yz ; xx=00 no konsole output
# xx yz ; xx=01 konsole output
# xx yz ; y=0 debug output (don´t use)
# xx yz ; y=1 no debug output
# xx yz ; z=0 ouput to konsole
# xx yz ; z=1 output to /var/tmp/debug.txt
# xx yz ; z=2 Output to UDP (to capture with gboxt)
Z: { 01 01 } [COLOR="red"][/COLOR] 8024
# Task type
# 00 ** normal mode gbox mode (no season, use Multicam instead)
# 01 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 0602 nonZ
# 10 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1702 nonZ
# 11 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1702 Z
# 12 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1722 Z
# 13 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1762 Z
# ** *1 Com port to use for season emulatiom (1 or 2)
# ** 0* Use CTS fr RST detection
# ** 1* Use DCD fr RST detection
# ** ** 9600 = Baudrate to be used (working only on dbox2)
#W: { 00 00 } 9600
#gbox working mode
# 00 pure Emu
# 01 pure SoftCam (when card inside), Emu (when no card inside)
# 02 pure Net Client
# 03 Mixed mode !!!!! always use this !!!!!
G: { 03 }
# Display ECM messages on Konsole
# 00 don´t show any ECM´s
# 01 show only valid ECM´s
# 02 show valid and bad ECM´s with complete data display
C: { 01 }
# Display EMM messages on Konsole
# 00 don´t show any EMM´s
# 01 show only valid EMM´s
# 02 show valid and bad EMM´s with complete data display
# 1* Log any tier change on PW-Nagra-17xx cards into /var/keys/pwupdate.log
M: { 01 }
# AutoUpdate
# 00 is ignored (default)
# 01 enable AU
# 02 Auto AU !!!!! always use this !!!!!
A: { 02 }
# Key update
# 01 update only new keys, default setting
# 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)
U: { 01 }
# Hash pids
# 01 hash only pids with implemented algos and available keys !!!!! always use this
H: { 01 }
# Key files folder
# 00 keyfiles in /var/keys
# 01 keyfiles in /var/tmp
T: { 00 }
# On Screen Display for the Multysystemcam on com1/com2
# 00 No OSD (default)
# 01 display Smartcard messages in Neutrino
# 02 display Smartcard messages in Neutrino new nhttpd format
# 03 display Smartcard messages in Enigma
O: { 00 } [COLOR="red"][/COLOR]
# Logger and NET-mode UDP port Init
# 00 do not init UDP port
# 01 Init UDP port for IP, port, UDP
L: { 00 } [COLOR="red"][/COLOR] 8017
# *x ** ; x = device nummber to be used (0= default)
# D* ** ; force use of /proc/bus/gtx for cw write operations
(in the dbox2 the gbox writes directly the CW´s, 00 is the
recommended mode ! No drivers are required) use D* ** ONLY if
you have Problems. 0* ** should be prefered !!!
# F* ** ; write CW´s in both devices (used for PVR in STB04xxx devices)
# ** y* ; y=0001b (0x1*) use slot1 as Multicam (only on STB04xxx)
# ** y* ; y=0010b (0x2*) use slot2 as Multicam (only on STB04xxx)
# ** y* ; y=0011b (0x3*) use slot1 and slot2 as Multicams (only on STB04xxx)
# ** *z ; z=0001b (0x*1) use com1 as Multicam
# ** *z ; z=0010b (0x*2) use com2 as Multicam
# ** *z ; z=0011b (0x*3) use com1 and com2 as Multicams
# ** yz ; yz=00110011b (0x33) use slot1+slot2+com1+com2 as Multicams
# ** *z ; z=0100b (0x*4) invert CTS detection on com1
# ** *z ; z=1000b (0x*8) invert CTS detection on com2
# example: yz = 0x0A = 00001010 (use com2 with inverted CTS detection line)
V: { F0 30 }
# =============================================================================
# extra options to override default seting in case you expirience Problems,
# normaly these setings are not required.
# cpu, api, cw write method
# 00 auto
# 01 80X86
# 02 MPC823
# 03 IBM STB04xxx
# 00 auto
# 01 ibm
# 02 api2
# 03 api3
# 00 cw write style = use internal routine (only dbox2)
# 01 cw write style = CA_SET_DESCR type1 (dbox2, vdr)
# 02 cw write style = CA_SET_DESCR type2
# 03 cw write style = CA_SET_DESCR type3
# 04 cw write style = 16 byte /proc/bus/gtx
# 05 cw write style = 4096 byte /proc/bus/gtx, cw offset=0x04D0
# xx write cw in 1st device with index=xx
# yy write cw in 2nd device with index=yy
# 01 means with .index=0 (default)
# 02 means with .index=1
# 03 means with .index=0 and .index=1
# .. any bitwise combination ...
# FF means with all 8 indexes (0-7)
#J: { 01 00 00 01 01 }
# Files, folders, devices
# folder/device comment
#F: { 01 } /var/tmp/pmt.tmp // pmt file
#F: { 02 } /var/tmp/ // key update log file
#F: { 03 } /var/tmp/ // ecm info file
#F: { 04 } /var/tmp/atack.txt // atack info file
#F: { 11 } /var/keys // folder for config files
#F: { 12 } /var/tmp // folder for temporary file
#F: { 13 } /var/tmp // folder for keyfiles
#F: { 21 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca0 // ca device
#F: { 22 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 // dvr device
#F: { 23 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 // demux device
#F: { 31 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca1 // second ca device to write cw's (recording)
#F: { 41 } /dev/sci0 // STB04xxx slot1
#F: { 42 } /dev/sci1 // STB04xxx slot1
#F: { 43 } /dev/tts/0 // rs232 com1
#F: { 44 } /dev/tts/1 // rs232 com2
# For overclocking freaks, Clocking internal STB04xxx slots with:
# 1=7.80MHz 2=6.30MHz 3=5.25MHz 4=4.50MHz 5=3.94MHz 6=3.50MHz 7=3.15MHz
# Irdeto works fine on 7.8MHz, all other fine on 6.30MHz or 5.25MHz
# The Dream has not a clean clock signal, some cards that are sensitive will
# refuse to work even on 3.5MHz, thats why 3.15MHz is the default value there.
# On other STB04xxx recievers the same cards work with 6.30MHz
#F: { 51 } 02 // irdeto
#F: { 52 } 03 // seca
#F: { 53 } 03 // viaccess
#F: { 54 } 03 // nagra
#F: { 55 } 03 // crypto
#F: { 57 } 03 // conax
F: { 58 } 02 // nds

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<readers name="Card Readers">
<deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>

En el mvision seria asi (probado con un 9085 special edition 6.35)

ip setup- para poner el deco en red (eso ya sabe cada uno como va)

[COLOR="Red"]net setup[/COLOR]- para conectar a la dream

[B]server nº[/B]--------------1
[B]ca id[/B]-------------------seca
[B]server ip adreess[/B]----- [COLOR="red"] (ip de la dream,si la casa es la de la sierra se pone la ip publica)[/COLOR]
[B]or server domain[/B]-----
[B]port[/B]----- 14500

[COLOR="red"]boton rojo[/COLOR] para comprobar conexion
y si alguno no lo ve claro aqui dejo un enlace con todos los archivos:

tambien podriamos conectar a la dream un pctvsat usando el plugin csc que nos conectaria por radegeast y el ini seria asi:
ActiveDLL = 1

dos cosas mas el puerto 14500 abierto en el routher ala ip de la dream y el 34000 igual

un saludo

Polisman 14/02/2008 23:32

que gran manual Peloco.:)

Un saludo amigo


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