Foros ZackYFileS

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-   IRD120 / IRD390 / IRD4X0 / U410X / COMAGSL55 (
-   -   jtag interface comag sl55 = comag FTA 2ci ??? (

fuelmyfire 24/03/2005 21:44

jtag interface comag sl55 = comag FTA 2ci ???
Sorry if I speak English but my Spanish is very poor!
I have a comag fta 2ci and I would like to make a jtag interface.( I have been to the link that Antoniogas has given on the thema "S.O.S jtag 420")
I know that the both use a STI5518 so can I use it for my comag fta 2ci?

I don't know what is the black cabel on the pictures(solder pin 18 to 25 on the DB25)
What is it?

Somebody can help me please?
It's impossible to find on the net how to do a jtag interface for a comag fta 2ci so if you have any informations you can give me them


ps(If it easier for you, you can answer me in Spanish I'll try to translate it)

pegaso21 24/03/2005 22:46

See here

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