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conf 18/09/2004 02:40

Instalar driver skystar en mandrake 10.0
Hola, antes de nada decir que soy novato en linux, mi problema viene cuando intento instalar un driver de una tarjeta pcsat, la tarjeta es una skystar2, me he bajado los drivers que hay en y siguiendo las instrucciones en el paso 2) me da error, a continuación pongo las instrucciones y lo que he hecho para ver si alguno de vosotros podeis ayudarme, a continuación pongo las instrucciones para instalarlo en un kernel 2.6.x:

[I](Note: Alternatively you can use build-2.6/ to build without patching the kernel, but this currently does not work for bt878 based cards due to include patch problems.) The DVB driver in 2.6.1 and above is regularly kept up-to-date, so it's possible that it's even newer than the latest release tarball. There might be some cases though, where you want a specific release tarball driver compiled into the kernel. There is a script called "makelinks" which -- well -- makes links from the CVS version of the driver to the kernel tree you supply on the command line. The driver from the kernel is erased, instead the local source will be used if you compile your kernel again. Step-by-step instruction:

1) Call "./makelinks . This will copy and link the driver files to your kernel, remove some old files, move some files around.

2) Next, use "make menuconfig" or whatever and select the av7110 driver if you haven't done so before. The av7110 driver needs a firmware to work properly.

If you want to compile it into the driver as it used to be in the past, you can download firmware files from The most recent version is dvb-ttpci-01.fw. You need to select "Compile av7110 firmware into the driver" and specify the filename path (usually /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/dvb-ttpci-01.fw) within the DVB subsystem configuration of the kernel. Alternatively, you can use the hotplug facilities of 2.6 to let the driver load it's firmware upon driver insertion. Have a look at linux/documentation/firmware.txt for further details. *Pitfall*: If you compile the driver statically into the kernel, you must make sure that you compile the firmware into the driver. There is currently no way to prevent in-kernel compilation without the firmware being compiled in. If you do it anyway, there will be no way that you can load the firmware. Build and install the new kernel as usual.[/I]

En el paso 1), creo que lo hago todo bien, pongo $ ./makelinks /lib/modules/2.6.3-7mdk/kernel y me crea una serie de directorios y enlaces simbolicos sin ningun error. El problema viene en el paso 2), donde me da el siguiente error:

[I]cat: CVS/Root: No such file or directory
make [1]: Entering directory `/home/conf/linuxtv-db-1.1.1/build-2.6' Makefile:8: /lib/modules/2.6.3-7mdk/build/.config: No such file or directory
make [1]: *** No hay ninguna regla para construir el objetivo `/lib/modules/2.6.3-7mdk/build/.config'. Alto.
make [1]: Leaving directory `/home/conf/linuxtv-dvb-1.1.1/build-2.6'
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2[/I]

En cuanto a lo de CVS:Root no tengo ni idea de lo que es y tampoco tengo ninguna carpeta que se llame build en la direccion que dice. Mirando el hardware, mandrake me lo reconoce como una tarjeta de red (que lo es), pero no tiene ningun modulo para ponerla en marcha.

¿Alguna sugerencia?

Gracias, salud y saludos.

IGM3 18/09/2004 03:32


cat: CVS/Root: No such file or directory
make [1]: Entering directory `/home/conf/linuxtv-db-1.1.1/build-2.6' Makefile:8: /lib/modules/2.6.3-7mdk/build/.config: No such file or directory
make [1]: *** No hay ninguna regla para construir el objetivo `/lib/modules/2.6.3-7mdk/build/.config'. Alto.
make [1]: Leaving directory `/home/conf/linuxtv-dvb-1.1.1/build-2.6'
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
este error es porque seguramente no tengas las fuentes de tu kernel en usr/src
si te fijas un poco mas arriba en el foro hay una chincheta sobre linux y dvb.

para poder compilar cualquier programa en linux, te hace falta tener en usr/src el codigo fuente del kernel que estes usando.


PD:pasate por la chincheta!! xD

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