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mampela 03/01/2008 20:18

DVBViewer Pro y plugin Gbox
Con AltDVB este pluguin funciona sin problemas y el CS funciona ok.
He intentado hacer igual con DvbViewer Pro y no hay forma.
Consultando el problema en otro foto me han indicado lo siguiente:

It's rather easy. From GboxPlugin 0.8 and higher you don't need a cwshare.cfg config any more. But you do need a working Gbox connection on your system.

Just make sure you get Gbox (I advice v2.1b + GboxControl W32) running on your system and you have a connection to (several) Gbox server(s) and that it's running. Then put in gboxplugin.dll in the MDPlugins folder of DVBViewer. Start DVBViewer en it makes a connection to Gbox running on your system.

Gbox Plugin 0.6 and 0.7 makes use of a installer and/or cwshare.cfg config. Later versions work with this configuration and require a running/configured gbox configuration on your PC with DVBViewer.

I've got it running with no problems on my system with DVBViewer Pro 3.9.1, SoftCSA 3.x and Gboxplugin v1.0.

However, Gboxplugin v1.1 doesn't seem to work for me with this configuration.

La carpeta MDPlugins no existia en mi instalacion, la creé y segui los pasos que indicaba.
Nada de nada, Gboxcontrol funcionaba bien, habia CS, pero no conseguia avanzar. El menu plugins del DVBviewer tiene el plugin del vplug pero ningun otro.
Alguno sabe como configurar juntos o conectar, como dicen, Gboxplungin y DVBViewer Pro?


Curtis66 04/01/2008 03:30

¿que significa "el CS funciona ok"?

Vale, no hace falta que contestes...sharing...

bingo 04/01/2008 16:39

Ademas, tienes que descargar el sofcsa.dll de pikachu y meterlo en la carpeta plugins no en mdplugins.
Si te da resultado comentalo.

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