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raffia 27/03/2006 00:12

algo para multiboot? 7025
hay alguna forma de meterle el tema del multiboot para tener varios firmwares ala vez y que la flash orijinal este donde siempre??
(tenia el 7020 y he utilizado el flash wizard, y para el 7025 no hay?)

Beneh 27/03/2006 01:24

Efectivamente, desgraciadamente, no hay nada que automatize el tema. Se puede instalar manualmente en una compact flash, pero no es un proceso sencillo, sino más bien, para aquellos acostumbrados a trastear con los sistemas operativos linux.

The_Evangelist 28/03/2006 00:18

Hola Beneth,

Algún sitio donde lo explique???


BlackScreeN 15/04/2006 14:43

El tema se va animando señores....

This is the Readme.txt to my multi-boot Tool for the Dreambox 7025.

At present we have a version 0.4 (differs from version 03 only by this file,
and is therefore not posted yet),

The work is definitely not yet finished, functioned however it is already completed
and doing its job well!

There is still no Blue Pannel integration, thus sinply use it in a telnet window at
/media/cf and execute


How do you start using it ?

first YOU need a CF CARD for your Dreambox 7025 with at least 256MB (bigger ones wor,
then we the last partition simply will be larger, smaller does NOT work
- except, one adapts the scripts and amkes them work without the 3. Partition)

First time you have to Flash an image that recognizes the CF Card - in principle
it therefore work only with images that have the CF support included, however at
present all have it included because it is in the CSV of DM contained.

Importantly - while Flasing the CF card has to be ALWAYS outside of teh dreambox
and when pressing the lower buttin whehn switching on on.

Only then one can flash via the WebIF normaly (with CF card inside that cannot be done).

Then copy the multibootXX.tar file to /tmp with ftp (TCP/IP must be working).

Unpack the whole files for the first time there and enter the following command:

> cd /tmp
> tar -xvf multibootXX.tar
> enable

By this the CF map is prepared for multiboot and all 4 partitions are prepared,
however only the first (FAT) is filled with the Tools needed.

Subsequently, continue working on /media/cf - and for test purposes we will start to copy
only the first time all 3 partitions with a copy of the Flash.

Before entering the command always change directory to /media/cf:

> cd /media/cf

Or enter multiboot with full path:

> /media/cf/

Mow let's start with the copying:

> copy 1

> copy 2

> copy 3

Then test with one of the copied images if you can boot-enable it (in our example #1)
and simply reboot:

> boot 1

> reboot

Now should be bootet from the first partition:

> show

That command should confirm this !!!

Now the CF card is already functional for multiboot - Congratulation !

Before you now copy a further image from the Flash to the CF card you have to change
multiboot again to the Flash.

THis is very IMPORTANTLY - if you forget this it will copy sonsene, and the image
probably will not boot because image and Kernel not fit each other.

That is by the way the most usual error if one does not watch out !

> boot 0

> halt

Now the box should be halted and you can remove the CF card for flashing the next image

After Flashing and maybe changig necessary things (like Settings, Plugins download,...
- bus this can be done naturally also later on the CF card) you can continue.

If the image flashing is completed simply shutdown with halt and reboot with CF card insterted
(which is still pointing to Flash booting)

Then simply this new Flashimage is copied on the next partition copy:

> copy 2

Before flushing and copying a further image on the CF card you must use
again tp point to the flash booting:

> boot 0

> halt

Now the box ais halted and you can remove the CF map card once more for flashing the last
image. After you can flash the last image for copying to the CF card and maybe doing necessary setups
(Settings, Plugins download, ... - but you can do this naturally also later when booted
from the CF card) .

If the image is flashed you have to shutdown with halt and reboot again, then instert the CF card
(which is still pointing to Flash booting)

Then simply this new Flashimage is copied on the last partition:

> copy 3

Now one can copy still another last image in the Flash for booting, however one must
let copy again to the CF card after this:

> boot 0

> halt

Now the box si halted and you can remove the CF card for putitng the last image to
the Flash.

Flash it and if necessary changes are needed (Settings, Plugins to download,...)
do them im Fals.

Then the image flashed is simply again copied to the CF card
(which is still pointing to flash booting) clean-does and thus to boats.

Simply synchronize this new Flashimage on the CF card again:

> copyy 0

That is important so that the Kernel for the Flash and on the Cf card fit each other !

Now much fun with multibboting & testing!

In principle you can select now that all Partitions are filled only with
and the wanted partitionnumber (x = 1.2.3 and 0 for the Flash) what Image you want to boot:

> boot x

If you want to copy a new image over a partition already filled the don't worry,
you don't need to beginn from start.

Simply put the wanted image into the Flash (as above) and then as copy it to
the wanted partition, the script deletes the previous partitian cleanly.

And how to get rid of Multiboot:

> boot 0

> reboot

After the Reboot:

> disable

Thus the CF card should be again empty and after a Reboot be mounted as a whole
on /media/cf

PS: At present I have the original 2.0 of Dream in the Flash and the last Gemini,
the latest image from Dreamville and the NBC Image on the CF map.

Beneh 16/04/2006 02:23

Anda! BlackScreen, eres moderador de aquí. Saluditos desde el otro lado. Ya has instalado la nueva gemini2 1.40?

BlackScreeN 16/04/2006 12:25


Ya has instalado la nueva gemini2 1.40?
Pues si amigo, acabo de hacerlo y la verdad es se no ta poca cosa con la anterior.

Por cierto, de donde me conoces, o te suena mi nick :)

Beneh 16/04/2006 22:01

En alejandría. Allí soy ayth.

BlackScreeN 17/04/2006 12:03

Saludos Ayth.... ;)

nni00288 06/05/2006 11:06

quien me explica como se monta una usb via telnet en la 7025? que comando?
por flashwizard 6.3 no va

rospei01 14/07/2006 23:03

De momento la DM7025 sólo puede hacer multiboot con una CF.

Hasta que salga el Flashwizard para este modelo, que ya ha anunciado su creador: Musicbob.

crosfer 10/12/2006 16:28

no hay ningun manual en español usando el manual de arriba me estoy dejando algo cuando reinicio me sale un pantalla azul y se vuelve a reiniciar .

yersi 10/12/2006 17:46

Quizas se te jodio la imagen, piensa que estos manuales son viejos y que instalar los Multiboot modernos es mucho mas facil.
Yo tengo el Multibot 8.3 que lo metes en /tmp y lo instalas manualmente desde el mando{Blue Panel} y a funcionar.

crosfer 13/12/2006 23:34

me puedes decir porfa pas a pas como lo has hecho con el 8.3

yersi 14/12/2006 20:44


Iniciado por crosfer (Mensaje 2706084)
me puedes decir porfa pas a pas como lo has hecho con el 8.3

Claro, es sencillo, supongo que tienes el DCC si no es asi comentalo.
Esto es con Gemini 2.0.
Primero desde el PC con el DCC por telnet metes el MultiBoot8.4 en /tmp despues te vas y con el mando de la Dream, estando en una cadena cualquiera, le das al boton azul para entrar en el Blue Panel despues le das al numero 2 del mando {addons}, eliges la opcion Manual instal y normalmente te sale directamente la carpeta /tmp si no es asi la buscas para encontrar el archivo que metistes antes {multiboot8.4} te colocas encima y le das al boton verde o al OK que son para instalarlo, despues ya te sale instalado en juegos/plugins.


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