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Antiguo 24/02/2006, 01:47   #3
Hasta el infinito...
Avatar de Voyager
Fecha de ingreso: 23/dic/2002
Mensajes: 31.222
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Aqui tienes una bastante grafica y queda espectacular

Arrastra los iconos a la "cesta" y veras como queda

Código HTML:
# view
<div style="margin-bottom:20px;height:120px;">
<% for product in @products %>
  <%= image_tag "/images/products/product#{}",
        :id => "product_#{}",
        :alt => product.title, 
        :class => "products"  %>
  <%= draggable_element "product_#{}", :revert => true %>
<% end %>

<h2>Your cart:</h2>

<div id="cart" class="cart" style="clear:left; height:132px;margin-top:10px;">
  <div id="wastebin">
    Drop items here to remove them from the cart.
  <div id="items">
    <%= render :partial => "cart" %>
  <div style="clear:both;"></div>

<div style="height:40px;padding-top:10px;">
<p id="indicator" style="display:none;margin-top:0px;">
  <%= image_tag "indicator.gif" %> Updating cart...

<%= drop_receiving_element "cart", 
      :update => "items", :url => { :action => "add" },
      :accept => "products", :hoverclass => "cart-active",
      :loading => "'indicator')",
      :complete => "Element.hide('indicator')" %>
<%= drop_receiving_element "wastebin", 
      :update => "items", :url => { :action => "remove" },
      :accept => "cart-items", :hoverclass => "wastebin-active",
      :before => "Element.hide(element)",
      :loading => "'indicator')",
      :complete => "Element.hide('indicator')" %>
# controller
class ShopController < ApplicationController
  def index
    session[:cart] ||= {}
    @products = Product.find(:all)
  def add
    product_id = params[:id].split("_")[1]
    session[:cart][product_id] = 
      session[:cart].include?(product_id) ?  
      session[:cart][product_id]+1 : 1
    render :partial => 'cart'
  def remove
    product_id = params[:id].split("_")[1]
    if session[:cart][product_id] > 1 
      session[:cart][product_id] = session[:cart][product_id]-1
    render :partial => 'cart'

# _cart.rhtml partial
<% session[:cart].each do |product,quantity| %>
  <% quantity.times do |i| %>
    <%= image_tag "/images/products/product#{product}", 
          :class => "cart-items", 
          :id => "item_#{product}_#{i}", 
          :style => "position:relative;" %>
    <%= draggable_element "item_#{product}_#{i}", :revert => true %>
  <% end %>
  <span class="title">
    <%= Product.find(product).title + " (#{quantity})" %>
<% end %>
<%= "Here's your shopping cart." if session[:cart].empty? %>
El unico requisito es que tu servidor soporte AJAX
"Aquel que es cruel con los animales se vuelve tosco en su trato con los hombres. Se puede juzgar el corazón de un hombre por su trato a los animales."
(Inmanuel Kant)

Última edición por Voyager; 24/02/2006 a las 01:49.
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