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Antiguo 23/07/2006, 01:38   #11
Hasta el infinito...
Avatar de Voyager
Fecha de ingreso: 23/dic/2002
Mensajes: 31.207
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Pero para eso tendrias que tener abierto el 8118 y el 9050 no?

Tambien lo arreglas con un Firewall, pero... quien no navegue hoy en dia con un cortafuegos, esta expuesto a mas peligros que alguien navegue con tu ip...

Coke, no estamos hablando del torpark, sino del cliente Tor para usarlo con cualquier navegador...

El Torkpark es un firefox...

De todas formas, no es un server... es un cliente, el server esta en otra direccion...

Para habilitar el server la pagina de tor dice:

"Setting up a Tor server is easy and convenient:

* Tor has built-in support for rate limiting. Further, if you have a fast link but want to limit the number of bytes per day (or week or month) that you donate, check out the hibernation feature.
* Each Tor server has an exit policy that specifies what sort of outbound connections are allowed or refused from that server. If you are uncomfortable allowing people to exit from your server, you can set it up to only allow connections to other Tor servers.
* It's fine if the server goes offline sometimes. The directories notice this quickly and stop advertising the server. Just try to make sure it's not too often, since connections using the server when it disconnects will break.
* We can handle servers with dynamic IPs just fine, as long as the server itself knows its IP. Have a look at this entry in the FAQ.
* If your server is behind a NAT and it doesn't know its public IP (e.g. it has an IP of 192.168.x.y), you'll need to set up port forwarding. Forwarding TCP connections is system dependent but this FAQ entry offers some examples on how to do this.
* Your server will passively estimate and advertise its recent bandwidth capacity, so high-bandwidth servers will attract more users than low-bandwidth ones. Therefore having low-bandwidth servers is useful too.

mas info:
"Aquel que es cruel con los animales se vuelve tosco en su trato con los hombres. Se puede juzgar el corazón de un hombre por su trato a los animales."
(Inmanuel Kant)

Última edición por Voyager; 23/07/2006 a las 01:44.
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