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Antiguo 19/08/2006, 20:22   #128
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Fecha de ingreso: 19/ago/2006
Mensajes: 17
ottobald está en el buen camino
Different file sizes of ALI Images

For some reason its not possible to load code of the satellite Receiver units of the SMT-family to units of the GMI-family. Meanwhile I found out that all the SMT-images are smaller than the GMI-images. (SMT 2031616, GMI 2097152) The size is 64 kBytes smaller. In both type units the flash has the same size. So in my opinien it could be that in the upper 64kByte part of the SMT-type units there are some special parts which is checked from the firm. Only in case this special part is present the firm will work properly. In the GMI-units in this upper parte there are resides ff ff ff ff ......... So these units dont have this special information at all.

Unfortunately there is no tool which can extract this upper 64kByte of code from a SMT-unit. Of cause with a JTAG it would be possible. I hope this will give us the information that is need to build a complete image for the GMI-units.

Could be that Im wrong. I just had a look on some images of the file "" There are some dumps of SMT units without special code in the upper part of the memory. These also have onlys ff ff ff ... in the upper part.

Última edición por ottobald; 19/08/2006 a las 20:34.
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