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Antiguo 13/11/2006, 20:28   #2
Usuario Activo
Fecha de ingreso: 02/dic/2002
Mensajes: 31
pacocable está en el buen camino
algo conseguido, poero sigo necesitando ayuda

con este script he conseguido 2 respuestas buenas:
' New VB Script File - Created 13/11/2006
' Global Variable Definitions
Option Explicit

' Constants used throughout script
Const ScriptName=" Identify Unlooper "
Const ScriptVer=" v1.0 "

Dim UnlooperID,i,RetVal
Dim RetValue
Call UnlooperSettings() ' configure WinExplorer for unlooper settings

Sub Main()
' Main Program Loop and Menu
Dim MenuChoice
Dim MsgPrompt
Dim ErrorValue

' [Do not] suppress window output

MsgPrompt=" === "+ScriptName+" "+ScriptVer+" ==="+vbCr+vbCr+ "This Identifies the Atmel Hex on your Unlooper or gets the card ATR. "+vbCr

MenuChoice=Sc.ButtonBox(MsgPrompt,vbDefaultButton1,ScriptName+" "+ScriptVer+" ","Get Atmel Info","Get ATR","Exit")

Select Case MenuChoice
Case 1:
ErrorValue=ResetVer() 'Go to ResetVer

Case 2:
ErrorValue=GetATR() 'Go to GetATR
Case 3:
Sc.Write("A0") ' turn LEDs off
Sc.Write("02") ' power down card
Exit Sub
End Select
End Sub
Function ResetVer()
Sc.Reset() ' Reset the unlooper
RetVal=Sc.Flush() ' Flush the receive buffer
Sc.Write("90") ' We should receive 4 bytes from unlooper
Sc.Write("90") ' We should receive 4 bytes from unlooper
Sc.Write("90") ' We should receive 4 bytes from unlooper
Sc.Write("90") ' We should receive 4 bytes from unlooper

If Sc.Read(4)=4 Then
For i=0 to 3 ' Assemble the unlooper version string
End If
Sc.Print"Atmel Hex is type : "&(UnlooperID)&VBcr
If UnlooperID = "V5.0" then : Sc.Print "This is a WTX/WT2 hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "UL4S" then : Sc.Print "This is a HU card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "SU-2" then : Sc.Print "This is a H card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "U5.1" then : Sc.Print "This is a P4 card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "ECHO" then : Sc.Print "This is a Nagra card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "MrGo" then : Sc.Print "This is a UL4S28 DTV card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "V5B4" then : Sc.Print "This is a V7 Seca card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "NDS2" then : Sc.Print "This is a Sky Italia card hex." end if
If UnlooperID = "XYZ " then : Sc.Print "This is a XOR16 hex." end if
End Function

Function GetATR()
dim uno,dos,tres,cuatro,cinco,seis,siete
dim respuesta


sc.write("b0 30")

'Sc.Write("06 10 0E 07 02 93 00") 'nos devuelve 05 00 cercanoa 08 00
' Sc.Read(&h02) ' see if command was accepted
'for uno = 6 to 255
' for dos = 32 to 255
' for tres = 26 to 255
for cuatro = 3 to 3 '255
for cinco = 80 to 80 '255
for seis = 0 to 0 '255
for siete = 0 to 255 '136
Sc.Write("06 10 01 " & hexstring(cuatro,2) & hexstring(cinco,2) & hexstring(seis,2) & hexstring(siete,2) )
Sc.Delay(300) '300
Sc.Read(&h02) ' see if command was accepted
RetValue = Sc.GetByte(1) '(&h01) 'tiene que ser 127
if retvalue = &h7f then
Sc.Read(RetValue) ' read the bytes of ATR
For i = 0 to RetValue-1
ATR = ATR & HexString(Sc.GetByte(i), 2) & " " ' all bytes of ATR
Sc.Print "ATR = " & LEFT(ATR,53) & vbcr
sc.print("---------------------------------------" & vbcr)
end if
' next
' next
End Function

Function HexString(Number,Length)
' This function takes 2 arguments, a number and a length. It converts the decimal
' number given by the first argument to a Hexidecimal string with its length
' equal to the number of digits given by the second argument
Dim RetVal
Dim CurLen
If CurLen<Length Then
RetVal=String(Length-CurLen,"0") & RetVal
End If
End Function
' Configures Unlooper
Sub UnlooperSettings()
Wx.CommPort = "com1:"
Wx.BaudRate = 115200
Wx.ResetBaudRate = 115200
Wx.Parity = 0 ' 0 = None, 1 = Odd, 2 = Even, 3 = Mark, 4 = Space
Wx.StopBits = 0 ' 0 = 1 stop bit, 1 = 1.5 stop bits, 2 = 2 stop bits
Wx.DTRControl = 0 ' Initial state of DTR 0 = off, 1 = on
Wx.RTSControl = 1 ' Initial state of RTS 0 = off, 1 = on
Wx.ResetDelay = 0 ' In microseconds
Wx.ByteDelay = 0 ' In microseconds
Wx.RxByteTimeout = 1000 ' In milliseconds
Wx.ResetMode = 2 ' 0 = No Resets, 1 = ISO Reset (Expect a ATR), 2 = Device Reset (No ATR)
Wx.ResetLine = 1 ' 0 = Toggle RTS for Reset, 1 = Toggle DTR for Reset
Wx.ByteConvention = 1 ' 0 = Inverse, 1 = Direct
Wx.FlushEchoByte = 0 ' 0 = no flush, 1 = flush - A Phoenix interface will echo each byte transmitted.
Wx.FlushBeforeWrite = 0 ' 0 = no flush, 1 = flush - Flush the receive buffer before each write to strip off Null bytes.
Wx.IgnoreTimeouts = 0 ' 0 = Abort script on a receive timeout, 1 = Ignore all receive timeouts
Wx.ResetAfterTimeout = 0 ' 0 = Don't reset after a timeout, 1 = do a reset after a timeout - Not used if "IgnoreTimeouts=0"
Wx.LogTransactions = 0 ' 0 = Don't log transactions, 1 = log transactions
Wx.DisplayUSW = 0 ' Display USW after script complete 0 = no, 1 = yes
Wx.DisplayFuse = 0 ' Display Fuse after script complete 0 = no, 1 = yes
End Sub
' Inverts a byte
Function HexInv(Number,Length)
Dim CurLen
Dim NumLow
Dim NumHigh
dim Number1
Select Case NumHigh
Case 0 NumHigh=15
Case 1 NumHigh=7
Case 2 NumHigh=11
Case 4 NumHigh=13
Case 6 NumHigh=9
Case 7 NumHigh=1
Case 8 NumHigh=14
Case 9 NumHigh=6
Case 11 NumHigh=2
Case 13 NumHigh=4
Case 14 NumHigh=8
Case 15 NumHigh=0
End Select
Select Case NumLow
Case 0 NumLow=15
Case 1 NumLow=7
Case 2 NumLow=11
Case 4 NumLow=13
Case 6 NumLow=9
Case 7 NumLow=1
Case 8 NumLow=14
Case 9 NumLow=6
Case 11 NumLow=2
Case 13 NumLow=4
Case 14 NumLow=8
Case 15 NumLow=0
End Select
If CurLen<Length Then
RetValue=String(Length-CurLen,"0") & RetValue
End If
End Function

que son los siguientes:
X Data : 06 10 01 03 50 00 88
RX Data : 3F 7F
RX Data : 13 25 02 40 B0 12 69 FF 4A 50 90 41 55 00 00 00
00 00 52 65 76 41 43 33 00 01 E2 01 EB 01 54 50
50 00 80 3F FF 00 03 C9 00 01 7C 7C 83 3E 00 00
01 00 76 00 1D 00 07 01 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D
00 04 18 40 02 8D 8D 8D 15 3A 12 8D 8D 8D 22 4F
02 8D 8D 8D 00 00 00 8D 8D 00 8D 8D 33 00 8D 8D
8D 8D 30 00 94 00 01 81 8D 8D 5A 05 03 00 8D 8D
C8 02 00 00 8D DF 8D 21 10 01 03 50 00 02 3F
ATR = 13 25 02 40 B0 12 69 FF 4A 50 90 41 55 00 00 00 00 00
si aplico a un script nuevo el comando visto 06 10 01 03 50 00 88 asi:

sc.write("b0 30")
Sc.Write("06 10 10 01 03 50 88")
Sc.Delay(300) '300
Sc.Read(&h02) ' see if command was accepted


RetValue = Sc.GetByte(1) '(&h01) 'tiene que ser 127
if retvalue = &h7f then
Sc.Read(RetValue) ' read the bytes of ATR
For i = 0 to RetValue-1
ATR = ATR & HexString(Sc.GetByte(i), 2) & " " ' all bytes of ATR
Sc.Print "ATR = " & LEFT(ATR,53) & vbcr
sc.print("---------------------------------------" & vbcr)
end if

Por favor una ayudita de los maestros.muchas gracias
pacocable está desconectado
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